
Hey Friday!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hey Friday, I've been looking forward to you all week! My sweet husband and I have a couple hot dates planned! Eeek, can't wait! Here are some of my Friday faves! Link up over {{here}} with yours!

Favorite Buy

I have been looking for an antique wash stand to put my Aunt's old wash bowl and pitcher to use. I was so excited when I found a HUGE antique shop here and this wash stand for super cheap!

Favorite Youtube Video

If you are even mildly entertained by honey booboo, or if you hate that show, this video is for you! ((Warning: I'm not offended easily and it doesn't take much to entertain me...))

Favorite Recipe
Recipe {{here}}
I am kind of obsessed with artichokes lately, besides having them in Spinach Dip, they're kind of a new thing to me, and I love them!

Favorite new product
This mascara is so amazing! Go buy it, not now, but right now.

Favorite Song

Favorite Funnies!

Is there anything funnier than that precious plum video? I'm not really sure, but these were pretty funny too!! But I'm going to stop at two and suggest you watch episode 2 of precious plum! I also suggest you have an awesome weekend!!!


  1. Ohhhhh I wanted to try that mascara! You need to tell me all about it! That MJ meme is hilarious! Thanks so much for linking up!

  2. I love grilled artichokes! Pinterest has tons of yummy recipes I want to try!

  3. oh i need that mascara, and that wash stand is perfect! i love it. oh that MJ meme - so true!

  4. OOO I'll have to try that mascara! Eyeliner and amazing mascara are my must-haves. That wash stand is so adorable too!! TGIF girl!

  5. hahah that michael jackson meme! good find! Glad you found me girlie, I"m officially following you now!


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