
Hey Monday!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Ahh it's Monday!! While most of you are like this:

I'm like this:

It's my day off! I had planned on cleaning today, but when I got off work yesterday, my precious husband had already did it. Have I mentioned how HAPPY I am to have him home? So maybe I will just go shopping with all that free time? All in favor, please raise your hand.

Ah so let's talk about the weekend, I'm linking up for the first time with the "Weekending" link up over at Biana's. I'm sure a lot of people will be discussing the MTV VMA's today, sorry I didn't watch that. My weekend was pretty much spend cuddling with my husband and food. Possibly a little booze, too.

The husband and I were both off on Friday and had some big plans to check some things off the ol' Memphis bucket list. Then our air conditioner broke and ruined all of that. Sometime after 3:00 P.M., and it was a hundred degrees outside (no really), someone showed up to fix our broken ice box. This took a quite a while (not complaining at all!!), making us late for the cook out we were attending. Luckily for us, the cookout was at the neighbors directly behind us. It was nice to walk out the garage and hang out in the neighbors yard, drink a couple beers, eat, and walk back home. The rest of the night involved margaritas and then my husband immediately passing out on the couch. I took the opportunity to have a photo shoot with him at this point.
Making his fancy burgers!

I supervised.

I'm such a good wife!
Saturday was spent Christmas shopping! YES, you did read that right, we have decided to get an early start this year. We actually accomplished a big chunk of our gifts. That night we decided to give Hooters another try, I haven't eaten at one in quite some time. Last I remembered, their food sucked. I was actually pretty impressed with their food this time though. We also were able to watch the Colt's game. Preseason or not, I'll take it! I also think there is nothing more attractive to my husband than for me to point out the random chin hair I was rocking, with all those tiny girls walking around in their tiny shorts. We like to keep the romance sparked at all times folks.

I worked all day Sunday, and since my sweet husband cleaned the house for me, I rewarded him with his favorite chocolate peanut butter cake. Well, see ya next time weekend, hope y'all don't work to hard on this fine Monday, I will think of you all while out shopping at target with my Starbucks in hand!


  1. Love the photo shoot with your sleepy hubby LOL!! Glad to hear your AC was fixed - that would have been terrible to sleep in!! Hope you are enjoying your day off and thank's for linking up!

  2. ahh hope you enjoyed your day off and shopping! that is so funny that you took photos with your husband while he was sleeping, if i did that my husband would wake immediately lol. that cake looks beyond amazing, and yeah i've only eaten at hooters once and the food wasnt the best, maybe i need to go back?

  3. this sounds really great. i wish we had parties with our neighbors because it would be seriously amazing just to walk two seconds back to our house.

    that peanutbutter cake thing looks really good. recipe please!


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