
Friday Favorites

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Yay it's Friday! I wish I worked a normal Monday through Friday 9-5 sometimes. So I could be just as excited as everyone else to have 2 days in a row off. Oh well, one day I will finally be done with school; besides this job is more flexible to coincide with my husband's very unpredictable schedule.
 Nonetheless it's Friday so I'm linking up with Amanda over {{here}}, because it's my favorite.

((Favorite Song))

((Favorite Moment))
Wednesday night my Mom and sisters stopped at my house on their way to Texas. I loved seeing them and my little spit fire of a nephew, Noah (now I just need to see my other sweet nephew Caedmon:: Hint Hint Sister!!!). They also graciously shared tomatoes from their garden with me and I am in heaven. Does anything taste better than a garden tomato??
Sleepy sister and Noah!

((Favorite Movie))
The Great Gatsby. I have seen it a million and three times, but I just love it so! I think I just love anything in this era of time, but I love the modern sound track to the new version.

((Favorite Funnies))
Anyone Else?

hahaha I will so be like this one day. and By one day I mean this weekend...

Kids are funny.


  1. I love the Great Gatsby! My wedding is going to have that vibe to it! Thanks so much for linking up kids say the funniest things right?

  2. OMG those funnies! I cant even with the last one haha have a great weekend :)

  3. i havent seen the great gatsby, or even read it! bad me, i know.
    omg that last funny, ew i would die if i was that mother lol
    have a great weekend!

  4. Oh kids are HYSTERICAL!!!! That's the funniest thing I have ever read.. and I never want to read that as a parent!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Ommmg yes to all of these favorites especially Gatsby and Sam Smith! I really can never get enough of Gatsby even though it was more of a modern take on the book with its soundtrack. The whole story is just my favorite of all time!

  6. I still didn't see The Great Gatsby! Drinking while cleaning = great idea.

  7. That identity theft one is pretty hilarious!! I totally agree - the great gatsby is a great movie but even better book!!

  8. The Great Gatsby is one of my favorites now too!

  9. oh my gosh your funnies are on point!! Identy theif security and the cleaning while drunk so good! and I love anything Sam Smith

  10. Gatsby is one of my favorites! I loved the movie and have read the book countless times it's such a classic.

  11. A little late getting over here! I loved The Great Gatsby too! I thought it did so well in keeping with the book too.

    And that letter at the end, DYING! Little kids just crack me up. Hope you had a great weekend :)


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