
This and That

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Taylor and I started last week to "meal plan"; or should I say I started to meal plan, Taylor just goes along with it. We started talking one night how we go out to eat way too much. When we do go grocery shopping, most of it goes to waste. We always have good intentions when we go to the store, then life gets in the way and neither one of us is interested in cooking or cleaning up, so going out for a bite just worked.  I printed off a few different printables {here}, checked my fridge and cabinets for what we needed and we went to the grocery store. The amount we spent on groceries, is the same amount it would have cost us to eat out twice, maybe three times. We actually stuck with it and I only had to run to the grocery store once (I really wanted asparagus, and couldn't bring myself to buy it frozen like planned). We are doing OK on our plan this week (I say OK because our schedules are a lot different this week). I am still nowhere near a {SDGSSL}, but I'm working on it.

Since my run in with {mama spidey }and her babies, I have killed 4 more spiders of the same size (well Taylor killed 2 of them for me...). I literally opened the back door to let my dog in the other night and TWO ran in. Needless to say, the bug man has been called.

I went shopping today... for 7 HOURS. When I say I am the worst shopper ever, I am not kidding around. Well this last sentence is only true when it comes to clothes. I can shop all day for home decor and accessories. I spent hours shopping for a dress to wear to a banquet next week. I took several pictures and sent it to my girlfriends for their opinions, mainly because I can't be trusted to shop for myself. It is really hard to zip and unzip yourself when trying dresses on by yourself. There were a couple moments where I contemplated screaming for help. That seemed a little over dramatic though, so I settled on the fact that I was going to have to live the rest of my days in the dress I had got myself stuck in.

I tried to step out of my comfort zone (as you can see above) and then I became reaaaal uncomfortable (as you can see above). I finally decided on a dress, that I will probably take back. After 7 HOURS of shopping, I was super proud of myself for buying at least one dress, and now I going to enjoy a glass of wine and browse Pinterest for way cuter dresses.

1 comment :

  1. ugh just that picture of the spider house thing gives me the heeby jeebies. i really like the first dress you showed, super cute!


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