
Weekend Thingsss

Monday, June 30, 2014

Hello Hello! Hope your weekend was smashing (I just spoke to my friend in England, they say smashing...)!! Mine was bittersweet, but lets focus on the sweet, shall we? My weekend started off with the Coast Guard banquet. It was nice to meet some of the husbands co-workers and their spouses, as well as watch one of our newest friends receive an award. It was a little more formal than the open bar Christmas parties I have attended in the past, but nonetheless, very nice. My only complaint was being eaten alive by mosquitoes, while sitting INSIDE. It never fails, they love me, anyone else have this problem?

I wish my husband  could wear his dress blues all the time because they're just so darn attractive! I may or may not have said some very inappropriate things to him, at very inappropriate times, but that's neither here nor there...

Saturday was pretty exciting because husband and I never have Saturdays off together, which really puts a damper on trying to explore our new city. We (okay, maybe just me) slept in and then we decided to start our date day/night with Stella in tow. We headed over to the local leash-free dog park. This dog park is so cool, it is not like other dog parks we have been to in the past. Instead a large fenced in sand pit, it is a HUGE piece of land with trails surrounding a lake. There are dogs everywhere roaming through hills and splashing in the lake (pond? maybe it's more of a pond?).  I was so impressed with how well Stella did. She has always been great with other dogs, but I was really impressed how she stuck with us as we walked the trails, instead of wandering off.

That night we had planned on going to a red birds game, but as we were leaving the dog park a dark cloud moved in, and rain continued into Sunday morning. Instead, we decided to check out a local Italian restaurant. It has been around for 65+ years. It was fantastic food, and it was bring your own wine, which turned out to almost be our emergency back up date. When we pulled up to the restaurant the rain was pouring down so hard we decided to wait it out in the car (the parking lot was full so we had to park waaaaay back behind the front door), we were seconds away from opening that bottle of wine when the rain finally let up long enough for us to run inside. Taylor ordered lasagna, I ordered a ribeye, both were fantastic.

Me: Babe, why do you look so creepy?
Him: because it is so stupid to take a picture with a bottle of wine.

After dinner we were going to hit up a movie, but decided the weather was crappy enough just perfect to go home and cuddle and watch Netflix, which is where we spent the rest of our weekend! We are addicted to the walking dead!

((Linking up with {{Biana}} for the first time!)) Come Link up too!

Another Sunday Social!!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

It's Sunday, let's be social, mmmmk? This weeks questions are random, but I like it!

{{1.}} What was your college major? Did you ever change majors?
My first major was early childhood education. The end goal was special education, teaching wasn't for me though. I switched to an interest in nursing, business, and human resources. I was really good at making decisions. I am about to head back to college for a third time, and guess what? I have a totally different major. Wish me luck?

 {{2.}} What is the best purchase you’ve made lately? Besides the bottle of wine I picked up tonight? I did go ahead and order and Erin Condren Life Planner. I'll let you know if it is the best purchase as soon as I receive it! If you want to order one, here is a code for $10 dollars off.. {{Click hear}}

{{ 3. }}What is something silly we don’t know about you and go…
While you might have grown up on a cul-de-sac, or somewhere out in the country, I grew up in a park. We literally lived inside a city park (in a house, not on a bench...).
This was my backyard, we used to ice skate on that pond in the winter.
and fish in the summer. back to the right is a nature museum and native American museum.

And a bonus silly... I thought my husbands name was Skyler when we first started "talking". It's a big joke between us and we have thought about naming a little boy Skyler if we have one :-) I was all kinds of confused back then..

{{4.}} What is your favorite Holiday?
At this point.. any one we can get home to spend with family is my favorite.

Also, my birthday is a pretty good one too.

 {{5.}} What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Besides hit the snooze button? I get up, make coffee, let Stella out, and then crawl back into bed. I remain there drinking my coffee and scrolling social media/emails for a while. Then I might take a shower...

Join the fun, link up over{{{here}} for sunday socials

100th post and some randomness.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

This is my 100th post!! Which is kind of sad if you look at when I actually started this blog, but HEY this is my corner of the internet and I can show up whenever I damn well please! 100 post later and I'm still trying to figure this stuff out. Thanks to Kristen at {{ See you in a Porridge}}, I now know how to post "Gifs"!!

Tomorrow is my first CG banquet at this boat, our last boat never had banquets. They had Christmas parties with an open bar, so needless to say, this banquet has some big shoes to fill.

I did go shopping Tuesday, with my friend Karen, for a dress that didn't look exactly like my husbands uniform. I found an outfit I really liked, so when I got home I tried it on to show my husband. The first thing he said was "do those colors go together" Like did Karen tell you that you matched?". Thank husband, I didn't have a complex until with this outfit until you opened your trap!
My thoughts exactly.

For some reason, whenever I think it's a good idea to invite our friends Karen and Tyler over for dinner, something always goes wrong. I had thrown something in the crockpot and when I went to check it an hour before our guest arrived, I quickly realized it was no where near being done. Thankfully our friends are super laid back and had no problem with a change in plans. Mexican and Margaritas make everyone a happy camper.

I just saw a commercial for a Frenchs mustard commercial and I am seriously bothered by the amount of mustard covering that grown woman's face. That's not real life and this is not a milk mustache commercial, wipe yo face lady!

I made a peanut butter cup cake and I need it out of my house before I eat it all.

But seriously, someone come help me, I'm off to eat another piece. I just. can't. stop.

Have you Ever?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

+Have you ever seen a cat in water? It is very similar to me in a large body of water. Basically, it isn't pretty. Some people are just not destined to be swimmers, and I am one of them. I could possibly dog paddle myself to safety if needed, but that's not a high possibility if there is a strong current; or if the waves in a wave pool become too strong. I may or may not have been rescued out of a wave pool. Twice. I stay out of them now.
Safety first.

+Have you ever seen karma work her magic and just sit back and smile? ((Or text all your girlfriends and discuss it))!!

+Have you ever seen me as a brunette? Now you have.

+Have you ever been to Britts donuts at Carolina Beach, NC? I have and miss it terribly.

+Have you ever grilled mahi-mahi on pineapple bark? You should try it! Recipe {{here}}.

+Have you ever ordered an {{Erin Condren planner}}? Was it worth it?

+Have you ever made a chocolate cake that called for a cup of coffee, but you read coffee grounds instead and the cake turned out absolutely horrible? Me either...

+Have you ever wished you could visit your BFFL at her job?
Oh, Hey Girl!

+Have you ever had a glass of wine calling your name? Excellent, you understand why I have to go then. See Ya!

Sunday Social

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I am really liking this Sunday Social link up-- so fun!  Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

{{1}} What's your favorite scary movie|?
 Gee, that's a tough one! I can't remember the last time we actually watched a scary movie, I love them (even though I'm scared of my own shadow), but my husband is not a fan. Would you judge if I told you the first SAW movie? I like the ones that are twisted like that one.

{{2}}What is your favorite weird TV show that you think no one else watches?
 Recently I've been watching Little Women: LA. It's pretty horrible, which is probably why I like it.

{{3}} What is a song you can sing all the words to without any music?
Ghetto Cowboy by bone thugs n harmony. I know I shouldn't admit it, but I used to be obsessed with this song.

{{4}} What is your favorite book to re-read??

{{5}} The one website you visit more times a day than others?
Probably Pinterest.

This and That

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Taylor and I started last week to "meal plan"; or should I say I started to meal plan, Taylor just goes along with it. We started talking one night how we go out to eat way too much. When we do go grocery shopping, most of it goes to waste. We always have good intentions when we go to the store, then life gets in the way and neither one of us is interested in cooking or cleaning up, so going out for a bite just worked.  I printed off a few different printables {here}, checked my fridge and cabinets for what we needed and we went to the grocery store. The amount we spent on groceries, is the same amount it would have cost us to eat out twice, maybe three times. We actually stuck with it and I only had to run to the grocery store once (I really wanted asparagus, and couldn't bring myself to buy it frozen like planned). We are doing OK on our plan this week (I say OK because our schedules are a lot different this week). I am still nowhere near a {SDGSSL}, but I'm working on it.

Since my run in with {mama spidey }and her babies, I have killed 4 more spiders of the same size (well Taylor killed 2 of them for me...). I literally opened the back door to let my dog in the other night and TWO ran in. Needless to say, the bug man has been called.

I went shopping today... for 7 HOURS. When I say I am the worst shopper ever, I am not kidding around. Well this last sentence is only true when it comes to clothes. I can shop all day for home decor and accessories. I spent hours shopping for a dress to wear to a banquet next week. I took several pictures and sent it to my girlfriends for their opinions, mainly because I can't be trusted to shop for myself. It is really hard to zip and unzip yourself when trying dresses on by yourself. There were a couple moments where I contemplated screaming for help. That seemed a little over dramatic though, so I settled on the fact that I was going to have to live the rest of my days in the dress I had got myself stuck in.

I tried to step out of my comfort zone (as you can see above) and then I became reaaaal uncomfortable (as you can see above). I finally decided on a dress, that I will probably take back. After 7 HOURS of shopping, I was super proud of myself for buying at least one dress, and now I going to enjoy a glass of wine and browse Pinterest for way cuter dresses.

My Poor Husband

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

He isn't sleeping well these days, and I'm to blame. Before you think it is due to some kinkiness brought on by me, that is not the case. I have always been a sleep walker/talker and it usually comes in waves. I think I probably talk every night in my sleep, there is just no one awake to hear it. But this past week I have been giving my poor husband a run for his Money. It is only Tuesday, but I have woke him up from his sleep both Sunday and Monday night (of course I didn't make a peep over the weekend, when he didn't have to be up at 5:00 a.m.). We always laugh about it the next day, but I know at the time he is not amused by me shaking the crap out of him and asking silly questions like "where is everyone else sleeping?".

The worst part about me waking him up in my sleep these two nights, is that I woke him up for other reasons as well, except I was awake and knew what I was doing. On Sunday night I woke him because I could hear something in the garage and I just knew some one was breaking in. It was around 4:30 a.m. and I made poor Taylor get up and go investigate. Turns out a little birdy had made his way into the garage earlier that day and he was just flying around having a good time.

Last night, it was around 11:30 and I was catching up with a girlfriend on the phone when I noticed a huge spider hanging out on my fireplace (when I say huge, I mean the size of a quarter, that is way too big for me).  I hate spiders. I debated whether I should throw a shoe at it or spray it down with chemicals first. After much deliberation, I decided I should try and weaken it with poison first, just in case I missed and it decided to jump. I frantically squeezed windex all over my new friend and watched as she slowly hit the ground. What came next I was not expecting. When spidey hit the ground, hundreds of baby spiders went scurrying across the floor. I went into complete freak out mode, abruptly ended my phone call and woke my husband up.
Creepy little jerk!

It is kind of hard to see because I didn't want to get too close, but those little black specks are the babies!

Taylor was less than pleased with me but kindly obliged and killed as many baby spiders as possible. Mama spidey crawled back into the crown molding around the fireplace where I'm certain she was planning her revenge on us for killing her babies. Taylor mumbled something and headed back to bed. I returned to my phone call. About 20 minutes later, mama spidey reared her ugly head again, and this time I was ready for her, so I thought. I doused her in windex but it wasn't phasing her, so I finally sucked it up, closed my eyes, let out a tiny wimper and threw my husband's shoe at her. Finally that bitch was down for the count! I wiped her up off the floor, made an "I'm Sorry" sign for Taylor to wake up to, and went to bed (where I later woke him up in my sleep :)).

Sunday Social

Sunday, June 15, 2014

I haven't linked up in a couple weeks, and hadn't planned on it this week either, but I received an extra burst of energy. These past couple days I just can't seem to get enough sleep (hello PMS). Anyways... here we go..

((1)) 4 Favorite phone apps: Instagram, Pinterest, Afterlight, and Spotify (this app is SO much better than Pandora, have you tried it yet?).

((2)) 4 Favorite TV summer shows: I'm pretty excited Pretty Little Liars is back on! I can't wait for the Real Housewives of New Jersey in  July. Does Orange is the New Black count as a summer show if I have already watched the whole Season? I'm also pretty pumped for the Fosters to return this week. I am a sucker for ABC family TV shows.

((3))  4 things you would NEVER do: Stiff my server (everyone has a bad day). Stay in a hostel while traveling (I've seen the movie and that was enough for me, whether it was true or not) hotels only for this girl pah-lease. Run a marathon (I will stick to horizontal running). Turn down a Harry Potter marathon!

((4)) 4 Items you carry with you no matter what: My phone, my wallet, hand sanitizer, my wedding ring

((5)) 4 blogs we should follow: Enjoying the small things, See you in porridgeThe daily Tay, MalSmiles. These are just four of my favorite, all for different reasons!


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The main reason for our recent trip to Texas was to visit with family. Taylor and I decided we wanted to explore a little bit though. So we planned to head down to San Antonio for 2 nights. The first day was spent at Sea World with our nephew, and my sister and brother in law. Sea World is seriously my happy place, If I could swim, you can bet I would be in school for marine biology so I could get a job swimming with dolphins and other sea creatures. Or maybe I would get a job studying ocean life (the whole time secretly searching for mermaids), because even though the ocean terrifies me, it is also very intriguing and exciting as well.
It's true.

Anyways, since I didn't want to miss a thing, I couldn't be bothered with taking pictures! Therefore there are none. The next day we headed down to the River Walk. It is so much fun walking along the river eating, drinking, and shopping along the way. We met my sister and her family for lunch for Mexican and then they headed back to my Papa's house. A good friend of mine is a traveling nurse, and just happened to be working in Texas.

That evening we met up with Weeks and her girlfriend and headed over to a Brazilian steakhouse for dinner (weeks and I are a weeeeee bit carnivorous) and then drank our way down the River Walk. We had so much fun, until the next morning (remember my last post.. hangovers are bigger in Texas). Nothing cures a hangover quite like grease, so we met up with the girls for lunch before we headed back to my Papa's house. We went to Texas' oldest saloon, called the BuckHorn. There are animal antlers everywhere, when the saloon first open way back when, you could trade your horns for a drink (and still can to this day).

After we said our goodbyes to the girls we were on our way, but since we were heading right through Austin TX, I had to stop at Gordoughs. Its on this street that is lined with all sorts of food trucks (something we would have loved to explore and little more if we weren't so fragile). Gordoughs is a gourmet donut shop and is a must do if ever traveling through Austin. My favorite was the Fat Elvis. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.... Mmmm. Seriously though, go there, perhaps you should leave tonight? and pick me up one too while you're at it. K? Thanks! Byeeeee.

Everything is bigger in Texas...

Monday, June 9, 2014

Including Hangovers. Although this trip we were very well behaved and only suffered one day while down there. I like to pretend we're maturing a little. It might also have a little something to do with the fact that we were visiting my 89 year old grandfather and other family members. My sister drove down from Indiana with her son and then we all drove together down to Texas. Riding in the back seat with an almost 2 year old is rough y'all! But I persevered. I love going down and visiting with my Mom's side of the family (but this trip was a little rough since my Nana passed away), it is almost guaranteed to be a good, relaxing time. Among other things, 2 of my favorite parts of Texas were watching my nephew and Papa together, and watching my husband and my Papa together.
Papa and Noah.. probably checking the stock market or something important like that.
Have you ever seen anything cuter than a grown man blowing bubbles for an almost 2 year old?

Now you have, an 89 year old Papa blowing bubbles for his great grand son!
We also snuck down to San Antonia for a couple days, but since those pictures wouldn't load, I will write a second post about that tomorrow.  There is still so much I want to see in Texas, maybe the husband and I will have to consider a move further down south. For now, I'm going to catch up on sleep.. as you can tell my mom and Noah started early..
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