
What I love {{holiday style}}

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

While I love a good gift guide post, we all know the holidays wouldn't be complete without the memories. Certain songs, shows, foods and smells make me very nostalgic for all things Christmas past. These are things that make me happy.

My mother always makes breakfast casserole for Christmas. It is the only time of year she makes it, which makes it taste that much better. Even though we don't get to spend every holiday home, Christmas morning isn't the same with out it. This year we will be at her house on Christmas morning and I can't wait to dig into this cheesy egg goodness. Extra salsa on mine please.
Similar recipe here

I love hearing Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you". It isn't my favorite song by far, but I do love it and it always puts me in a good mood. My favorite song is hands down, Oh Holy Night. I am also a sucker for Michael Buble's "All I want for Christmas is you"... I know I just said that with Mariah Carey, but whatever... it is different.

I am not a fan of eggnog, at all, but last year my father in law introduced me to Eggnog Coffee creamer (and my sister in law recently reminded me of this) and I can't wait to go out and grab some.

Call me crazy, but 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" always makes me happy. Maybe it is because my Dad always tells me he wants a red rider BB gun for Christmas (we actually bought him one a few years ago), or maybe it is because my hometown is mentioned in the movie. Either way, Christmas isn't the same with out this one.

I know it is not a traditional Christmas movie, but I love Edward Scissorhands, and he makes snow with those creepy hands, plus it is Johnny Depp.

Anything cinnamon scented is a no brainer for holiday scents. I have never had a real Christmas tree, and I was completely and utterly fine with this because I didn't like the smell of pine trees. Sometime in the last few years that smell has really grown on me. So for now, the scented sticks you hang on your fake Christmas tree shall suffice.

Roomie Reunion.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

When we lived in North Carolina, we lived with roommates for two and a half years. Katie and Colton became family, their families became our extended families. Sadly our time as housemates came to an end when they were stationed in California and Taylor was stationed overseas (also they became pregnant with the sweetest little babe) and it was time to go our separate ways. It has been two years since Taylor had seen them and a year and a half for me. Colton's brother just happens to live here in the same city as us, and his family all got together here for Thanksgiving. Because of our traveling we missed visiting with Colton's parents, but on Monday we were excited to have our old roommates over for dinner and visits.

We decided it would be nicer to just catch up at our house so their precious little boy can run wild. He spent most of his time playing with Gatsby in the living room. I was a little worried because Gatsby became a little to excited around my nephew and knocked him down, but Connor and him played great together. Gatsby even let Connor take toys right out of his mouth, which made Connor giggle and squeal with delight.

Katie's parents also drove down from NC to visit with them since they were in driving distance. On Wednesday Katie and her mom picked me up and we headed downtown to meet Katie's sister-in-law and niece for a carriage ride. I was excited as it was something I had yet to do in Memphis, and it was an hour long historical tour.
It started raining, so Ms. Karen and I improvise with out scarves!

At least they look cute...

Unfortunately the carriage ride wasn't what we had hoped for. The driver was 20 minutes late and when she did pull up to the hotel, she was puffing away on a cigarette; she may have also smelled worse then the horse. The whole carriage was filthy and smelled vaguely of urine. It was magical. At least we learned something. We learned that our driver didn't know jack shit about the history of down town. She was sweet enough to drop us off in front of the restaurant we were meeting our husbands at for lunch. I was so excited to get some Brisket because it is my favorite thing that they serve. Well it turns out the place didn't open for another two hours!!!! However they were extremely sweet and let ALL 10 of us come in anyways if we were okay with only having ribs as an option. Since that is what they are known for, no one had a problem with their generous offer.

After lunch it was time to say our goodbyes. I hate that we are so far away, but I know that is a part of this crazy beautiful life we live.

A few words from Stella

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hey Blog peeps, Stella here, Heather's first fur-baby!
I thought I would give you a little update on my new, annoying precious little brother, Gatsby. First of all, Mom and Dad did not discuss this idea over with me first, I was totally caught off guard. I mean, they took me to the Shelter where Gatsby was living so we could have a meet and greet. My first thoughts were "Yeah Yeah, he's cute but get this fool out of my face!!!". I checked him a few times when he got too close to my beautiful face, and thankfully he listened. The shelter lady told my Mom and Dad that was a good sign, and that we were interacting very nicely. I could tell by the look on their faces that was all they needed to hear. That was how I knew I was getting a new fur-brother.
I know you think the smile is because he is leaving the shelter, but this is when my parents told him I was his big sister, he was pretty stoked.
After Mom and Dad brought Gatsby home, I learned things weren't that bad. It turns out he is a little bit younger than Mom and Dad originally thought, which means he is a little bit more playful than I would prefer. He randomly gets this boost of energy and thinks the way to get my attention is to bite my ankles in an effort to get me to play. Umm hello little brother, I didn't get this body by being playful!

This is usually when I steal all of Gatsby's toys and take them to the spare bedroom (tri-pod wont come in there because it is hardwood floors in the hallways). Sometimes Mom and Dad catch me and mumble something about me being over weight and usher the two of us outside. Once we are outside, we take turns chasing each other in circles throughout the backyard. Don't tell anyone, but I secretly enjoy this. I actually enjoy several attributes of having a little brother, for instance, when I bark at someone I don't like, Gatsby has my back. He is also really a slow eater, which means extra treats for me when no one is looking. Sometimes I get in trouble when I get caught, but I after yesterdays fiasco with Gatsby I know he has me beat in the causing trouble department. He escaped out of his crate and then tried to  make his way out of the rest of the house, by digging a hole to china.... in the carpet.
Can you image the delight my parents felt....
Mom and Dad were not exactly thrilled with little brother, but realize he has some serious anxiety issues and does not like being crated. They decided to leave him out with me tonight while they ran a few errands and he did just fine. Big sister knows how to keep that little shit brother in line.

Well this is the end of my post, if  I don't get off here soon mom has threatened to post embarrassing pictures of me on facebook (rude).

Have a good one,

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