
Polar Vortex and Such

Friday, January 31, 2014

When Taylor returned home to the states, we spent a whole two days together before the movers came to pack up our stuff. Once we were all packed, we stayed with a friend of mine for a few days to say our goodbyes. After that we headed to Indiana for the holidays. It's always good to see family, and always hectic running around trying to see everyone; not to mention this trip home involved reacquainting myself with newly returned husband. Thankfully Taylor and I just fell right back into place, like we never missed a beat (or 372 days....).
We had a plan, but mother nature had a different one. So, Taylor and I had decided we would go down to Memphis, spend two days looking at houses we liked, and then come back to Indiana.  We did drive down and find a home, and returned just in time for new years eve. Our next plan was to drive back down the next week and receive our stuff from the movers, and then return to Indiana for more visiting. Well that is when mother nature said "nuh-uh girlfriend, I have other plans!", and when mother nature tells you that, you have no choice but to drive to your best friend's house and wait to be snowed in. While Breanna and I always find time to spend with each other when home, we don't always get quality family time (meaning we let the husbands and children join in on our fun!). Breanna and I were able to get lots of quality girl time in, while the guys played with the kids and drank a beer or two. If it were socially acceptable we probably would have moved in... but ya know, that's not really how life goes.
Dancing the night away!
Dancing is exhausting...
Breanna is the best, her motto? What's 5 minutes of clean up, for 10 minutes of fun?
Once the snow decided to let up a little we got to make our rounds, which included sipping wine with in-laws, heading to the American legion with my parents and aunt, and lots of snuggles from the most adorable nephews ever. Also, no trip home to Indiana is complete without a slumber party at your other best friend's house and the coolest Godson ever! I mean, you know your Godson is pretty cool when he declares he hates kindergarten because they are not teaching him basic life skills, like how to become a power ranger. I totally understand Lincoln, I still wonder how I can become a pink power ranger, *le sigh*.
This picture kills me.
So precious, but I am glad they fell asleep before they realized I wasn't sleeping on the floor too...
Making 93 look real good, one gin and tonic at a time!
The 2 most important men in my life!
Mama and Sister!
After the snow melted a tiny, tiny bit, we headed down to Memphis to finally start getting settled in our new home! And while I am waiting to start my new job, I'm entertaining my husband with Selfies while he is working away... He hates selfies so that is how I have decided to respond to his text messages..
LOVE LOVE LOVE our new home!


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Yes indeed, 2014 has been pretty good so far. I was lucky enough to ring in the new year with my handsome husband. I would like to tell you it was a sweet and romantic kiss, rich with passion, but we were both trying not to choke on grapes, so there's that. If you are unsure why we were choking down grapes, check this post out.

I feel like I have so many stories to share, but since this is my first post in months, I don't want to strain myself (you know what they say, "if you don't use it, you lose it" or something really cheesy like that), so I have decided to ease back in with some pictures from my "Trash the Dress" session a few months back. These are some of my favorites...


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